v1m – Release

This page/post is placed here as an archive of 31posts.com project.

2015-01-13 23:55 COMPLETED======================= Increased version to v1m (ALPHA)
- COMPLETED:Added WordPress channel posting routine.
- COMPLETED: Ability to shorten the URL. (as entered) (will be used to track click counts)
- COMPLETED:Added Bit.ly URL Shortner for all URLs.
- Enabled: After an entry has been published do not allow to edit/delete
- FIXED: Private notes should only be seeing by the owner/contributor or ADMIN.
- FIXED: Backup in Demo Mode is now disabled.
- COMPLETED:Re-enabled debug tools: Debuglog and xHistorylog
- COMPLETED: Add option to use bitly or not. at publishing time.
- COMPLETED: Display only Active Channels on viewEntry (add / edit) (Dynamically generated)
- COMPLETED: Ability to have multiple channels of the same type.