Personal Posts about myJourney
Thoughts, Stories & Learnings

Lots of thoughts, ramblings and stories / Many topics on my mind over the years!
A while back I wrote I am the sum of my parts which explains my many dimensions.

You can also view myWork Related Posts here

Backstory: Bean Kingdom Book

Ever since my kids and I came up with this 20 years ago (when they were little), I always wanted to publish this short story about the Bean Kingdom. One Saturday afternoon, on a rainy day in Redmond, WA, my daughter, my son, and his friend were all sitting at a Dairy Queen. It was…
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GenAI Services Where is the beef?

If you still wondering “Where is the beef?” for Services take a look at these articles on the potential Take a look at the Accenture GenAI associated revenue  up 17% from $300M  in 4Q  ( Services no hardware: Accenture CEO Julie Sweet: 2023 ‘Was A Year Of Generative AI Experimentation’ ( Accenture in fiscal 2023…
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Elephant and the Rope

The Elephant and the Rope: A man observed elephants at a circus. Despite their immense strength, they remained tethered to a small stake in the ground. Curious, he asked the trainer why. The trainer explained that as baby elephants, they were tied to the same stake and couldn’t break free. As adults, they believed the…
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OpenAI – Just WOW

Wow. Just Wow! — What a weekend! — Even my wife, a non-techy, was tuned-in to every turn this weekend. This is by far the most incredible business tech story EVER! What just happened? There are many recaps online (see below) but ultimately it boils down to: There was a completely unexpected seismic event, followed…
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A quick post as this was just published overnight from Marc Andreessen   –  We will be talking about this for the next few weeks / months / years…  I love this quote from the document: We believe Artificial Intelligence is our alchemy, our Philosopher’s Stone – we are literally making sand think. If you…

New Hobby – Off Roading

A few weeks back we purchased a used Polaris RZR Side-by-Side (SxS) to start doing some off-roading. So much fun ! I am not new to off-road, as I grew up in a country where it was pretty common to need to do it, but I have not done it in SOOOOO many years. Back…
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AI to Disrupt Education

AI: The possibilities are limitless. One of the best examples of how we need to rethink things is provided by Kahn Academy and the work they are doing to reimagine education. The concept of having a high-quality personalized education program with a lifetime personal tutor / coach and assistant to anyone with a phone is…
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AI Risks Points of View

Part of the Work Beyond Tomorrow Article Series Last night I watched a session in which I think these guys from @HumaneTech_ make some very good points on the risk of the exponential growth and adoption of current #artificialintelligence implementations @HumaneTech_ Points well made. Made me think of what people said back in the days…
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AI Related Videos This Week

The conversation about Artificial Intelligence (AI), ChatGPT, AI-Bots and such is absolutely everywhere. I was at a social meeting the other day, and the topic was raised. It interesting that this is a conversation in the minds of the general public now. It is a conversation. that has many legs and many view points. I…
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