Personal Posts about myJourney
Thoughts, Stories & Learnings
Lots of thoughts, ramblings and stories / Many topics on my mind over the years!
A while back I wrote I am the sum of my parts which explains my many dimensions.
You can also view myWork Related Posts here

New PBS Series: The Future of Work
The New PBS series: The Future of Work is very good and very current. We have been talking about these trends for a while in my articles series Work Beyond tomorrow , but the pandemic has fast / hyper forward so much…. Many fundamental changes happening “live” right now. Good post-pandemic / current series from…

First In Person Presentation
Like most of us, for the past 18+ months, I have been doing virtual meetings and presentations, but a days ago, I did my first in-person presentation to a room full of people at a partner conference. – It was an event held near my house, so I did not have to travel. The experience…

Updating My SSD Drive
I have done this a couple of times in the past, but I always forget what I did, and end up researching it again…. The funny part is that I end up in the same place (I think) So about a year or so ago, I bought a new laptop, with a small SSD drive…

Windows 365 Cloud PC
On June 24, 2021 Microsoft announced WIndows 11. Last week during their Partner conference, Ignite, Microsoft announced Windows 365. It will be launched on August 2, 2021. Securely stream your Windows experience—including your personalized apps, content, and settings—from the Microsoft cloud to any device with your Windows 365 Cloud PC. Windows 365 is a cloud…

Twttr launched today in 2006 (yes Twttr)
I login to my computer and one of the things my browser home page shows what happen today in history — Most days is just interesting stuff that requires no more than a glance…. Today’s was: Rosetta Stone – was discovered on this day Spanish Inquisition ended US State of Georgia was readmitted int the…

My Current Thoughts on NFTs
I started my journey into understanding non-Fungible-Tokens (NFTs) just a few months back ( My First NFT )and have been learning ever since. I have been learning, researching, investigating and testing how it works, how to sell, where to sell, and how to sell. As an artist ( ) this is very interesting to…

NFT Copyright Notice – An Example
So a couple of days ago I came across the first copyright notice on an NFT listing I have seen. I am no lawyer, but I just saw this for the first time on an NFT and thought WOW – very good. I modified a bit to be generic in case someone wants to use…

Introducing PaposoArt
I want to introduce you to my father’s new digital art website and brand: His digital art style is abstracts and they are full of color and movement… I really like them and find them inspirational! In fact, they are not always what they seem at first he said… – And he is right!…

A Second Renaissance Ahead
I wrote a bit about this already in my previous posts What are NFTs and My First NFTs Up until now, physical goods (paintings, sculptures, drawings, music sheet, autographs) were the only things that can be traded, auctioned sold and bought. You would put it the purchased item on your wall, bank safe, on a…

Sold My first NFT
I am so excited! I just found out that I sold my first NFT !! No it was not millions, or thousands, or hundreds or tens of dollars — give me a but please give me a break 🙂 I am in someone’s collection now 🙂 HOW COOL IS THAT? It was not one of…

My first NFTs
My First NFTs: About two weeks ago I posted a blog called What are NFTs, in which I attempted to explain the background associated with non-fungile tokens (NFTs). By now you may be asking where is my first NFTs, how did I get it and how much did it cost me? Disclaimer: As you probably…

Better Virtual Presentations
Last week I did a quick lunch and learn to my team at work about how to do better virtual presentations that capture the attention of the audience. In a world of endless Zoom and Teams meetings, we owe it to ourselves and our customers to have better more engaging presentations. Lets face it, during…

6 year span: A lifetime
Outside a couple of friends and a family member’s birthdays, March 20th does not hold any particular significance in my life. I think that changed today, thanks to Facebook memories. It was a Saturday morning – a day like any other in a COVID-world, and we were getting our day going. My back was hurting…

Creating a Virtual Lightboard with OBS
I have been doing whiteboard sessions with customers for many years. With all of us working from home (remote work) for a year, one of the things I’ve missed the most is doing whiteboards at customer sites.. It is a hard experience to replicate virtually. A couple of years back I saw how impressive the…

Your Future Lies Inside You
I’ve always subscribed to this philosophy, but when this popped up a few weeks ago on one of my social media feed I snapped it. I really needed to hear it…. I could not find it again, and I do not know who created or if this is something that is copyrighted (just let me…

My Current Desk Setup (Geared toward Virtual Presentations)
Virtual presentations are my life right now. So many customers calls right now. This is my current desk setup — It is geared toward customer presentations… PHOTO HERE VIDEO HERE SOON. The tools I use: (some links are affiliate links) Hardware: Windows 10 Laptop: Primary: Dell Latitude 7400 2-in-1 Core i5=8365U @ 1.60 Ghz, 4…

SMTP Service for Smaller Lists
need to send a newsletter to a subscriber list of about 1500 subscribers to one of my sites. Since I do not have my own servers, and are in a shared hosted plan it has become a small issue and now need to look for something to allow me to send this inexpensively.

Heart Breaking But Trying to Stay Positive
If you look at my social media channels and blogs, you will notice that I have rarely been opinionated or political, but the last couple of months have been sooo very hard on me personally. I love this country, and I moved here because of it. Even though there is always room for improvement, I…

Streaming At Home
A couple of data points before I begin: Broadband or high-speed internet — defined by the Federal Communications Commission as defined as 25 megabits per second download speed and 3 megabits to upload. Nationwide, 18 million Americans lack broadband access, according to February data from FCC. The other day I read about Comcast data cap…

Photo Organization – 2021 update
have to admit I am still astonished at the fact that there is no good reasonably priced and friendly multi-user cloud-based system to manage a large photo collections. I have tried a lot of them and none has really hit the mark of what is needed. This is a big problem as we “the common people” continue to collect thousands of digital photos which remain unsorted/un-cataloged on disk drives!

Let’s Bring in 2021
Very thankful for our blessings in 2020. We feel very lucky. As the sun sets for the last time in 2020, I wish you all love, hope, strength, courage and please stay smart and keep safe! Much work ahead of us all…It’s gonna be a rebuild 2021 to remember!! Remember that At 12:01 a.m. on…

Merry Christmas
A quick note to wish all of you a very good and safe holiday season. What a year 2020 was! – For me personally, my family kept me safe and grounded, but doodling and kept me sane and helped me relaxed through so much this year. I am thankful for my hobby, and I…

Thanksgiving Day 2020
On this US Thanksgiving Day I can’t think of anything else but to be especially grateful to all those that keep us safe and healthy.Family, Teachers, First responders, First Line Workers, Essential Workers. To all of you, and your families, that have sacrificed so much . Thank you!! (Thankful)

Happy Birthday Mom!
Today is my Mom’s Birthday. She passed a couple of years ago and she is very much missed.. She was a crafter and artist, but what is cool about it is that she loved to teach… She was very special. This year, continuing my 2020 doodling tradition, I did a couple of doodles in her…

I am the Sum of my Talents
As I get older I am noticing that the different parts of me are pulling harder for my mind’s attention and some feel like they are screaming for my “attention”.

Instagram Photo / Video Sizes
Something I have been using often lately, but always have trouble remembering…. So a simple post to remind me: For Photos and Carousels: Type Ratio Best Size (Pixels) Sample (.png) Square 1:1 1080 x 1080px Portrait 4:5 1080 x 1350 px Landscape 1.91:1 1080 x 608 px For Videos: Ratios: 1:1 4:5 or 16:9 30FPS,…

Communicating On A New Normal Day
Funny true story / observation…. In my work I communicate with many types and size of customers on many different industries. Usually, I use a couple of video collaboration / conferencing software as the meeting is set by us. This past week, I had a particular day in which i used the following systems: Microsoft…

Top Free Tools I Use
I am always on the lookout for good tools I can use on my daily tasks. It is a bonus when they are free. I am thankful for those that work on these and offer them to the world via open source, donation based or truly free.