Photo Gallery Added..

Been meaning to add a photo gallery to this site for a while, and I finally got around to doing it.[lg_image folder=”Markets/” image=”20100320121528.jpg” align=”right” display=”thumb”]
I do not consider myself a photographer (not even amateur), but from time to time, I get lucky and I say to my self, “darn that is a good photo I took”. What happens next is typical, I think, for many of us… It goes into my local digital photo library, and it stays there collecting digital dust, until a rainy/cold Sunday night, I happen to be browsing the library and see it again, and say, “I should put these somewhere for others to enjoy“.
Of course at that time, I go into research mode, and look at the usual suspects, Flickr, SmugMug, Picasa, PHP photo sites and so many others, and get paralyzed by the choices and options, and end-up delaying the decision because <list whatever reason you can think of…>.
This time I did not and and goe a WordPress plugin (Lasyest Gallery) to setup the gallery right on my blog.
Result: Check out this page to see some of my photography. Leave me a note if you like the photos…