Thoughts and Catches of the Week

Tags: WordPress
It has been a while since I’ve posted an entry here. I have been crazy busy traveling with work and general work. I guess that is good, but I have to confess, many times while late at the hotel, I’ve thought about posting something, but didn’t, even though I had something to say… I got to get better at this..
So a few I’ve collected that I thought about talking about things I can talk about:
- I have been listening to a couple of podcasts (one video and another audio)
- TWing (This Week in Google) podcast during my flights.
What a GREAT broadcast – it is about 1 hour session, and Jeff Jarvin, Gina Trapani and Leo Laporte. Their transcripts and how wiki / comments on the site is also great – Highly recommended.
- GREAT JOB guys – thank you!.
- Engadget Video Podcast – good one from Joshua Topolsky and team.
- CurrentGeek Podcast by Scott Johnson
- TWing (This Week in Google) podcast during my flights.
- On Digital Good, I heard something very interesting the other day, which I guess I knew, but never actually realized:
“For commerce, scarcity is no longer relative, and is an obsolete concept”.- The context in which I heard this was the digital boxes
- This really changes the way in we thing about commerce in general.
- Some things I need to check:
- Are you using Google Buzz yet? (been using it a bit with my family, but have not opened it up yet. )
- Check out the Google “My Social Circle”:
- Media Talk USA