Cloud-Services vs Virtualization

As many of you already know, we have been strong proponent of cloud-based services for a very long time… The idea of maintaining an expensive and complex in-house infrastructure to support basic IT services is steadily shifting away from mainstream business. Adoption of cloud-based services continues to climb steadily.
However, a recent article on the Dec’09/Jan’10 Fortune Small Business magazine titled “Control the Cloud“, provided an excellent example that “one-platform” does not fit all.
The FBS article describes a company, which provides a specific set of application services for its customers, whose requirements were not met by cloud-computing. They reconsidered their implementation, brought it back in-house, this time they used server virtualization to minimize the number of physical servers which resulted in significant cost reduction including space, power and air.
Although, in the end, not a less expensive solution than cloud-based computing, it did meet the requirements and goals, at significant costs reductions than their previous hardware based implementations.
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