
My Unexpected Encounter with Bestselling Authors in Whistler


I have been meaning to write this for a while – It happened back in 2001 ( So many stories to tell! )

During our family winter getaway to Whistler, I had the most surprising encounter that I still think about to this day. After getting settled at the Riverside RV park (which impressively has heated parking spots for winter camping), I decided to take a stroll around the grounds to admire some of the other recreational vehicles.

As I wandered through the park, a magnificent Prevost motorhome caught my eye. These luxury coaches are truly impressive machines – essentially mansions on wheels. For those unfamiliar with Prevost coaches, they represent the pinnacle of motorhome luxury, often custom-built and costing upwards of a million dollars. The craftsmanship is immediately apparent, from the sleek exterior to the undoubtedly plush interior.

Standing outside were two gentlemen, and I couldn’t help but compliment them on their beautiful rig. Their friendly smiles welcomed my approach, and they seemed happy to chat about their home on wheels.

What started as casual small talk about RVs quickly turned into one of those unexpected conversations that reminds you how fascinating chance encounters can be. As we chatted about travel routes and Whistler’s winter beauty, they mentioned they were authors. Not just any authors – successful enough that their 34th book in a series had paid for this luxurious motorhome!

I was completely floored. Here I was, having a casual conversation with two successful writers whose work had clearly resonated with enough readers to afford them this incredible lifestyle. The revelation came so naturally in our conversation – there was no boasting, just a matter-of-fact mention when I asked what brought them to Whistler. They explained they were on a working vacation, combining some writing time with winter relaxation.

Unfortunately, in my surprised state, I didn’t think to ask their names or the title of their book series – something I’ve regretted ever since. Was it a mystery series? Fantasy? Thriller? I’ve found myself browsing bookstore shelves since then, wondering if I might recognize their names or work.

Despite missing this crucial information, I was struck by how down-to-earth and friendly they were. No pretension, just two creative people enjoying the fruits of their success and happy to chat with a fellow RV enthusiast. We talked about the challenges of winter RVing, the beauty of Whistler in the snow, and how the creative process sometimes benefits from a change of scenery.

It’s these kinds of unexpected encounters that make traveling so special. You never know who you might meet at an RV park in Whistler – perhaps even the authors of your next favorite book series! Their success story also served as a reminder that creative pursuits, when approached with dedication and persistence, can lead to remarkable achievements. Thirty-four books in a series represents years of commitment to their craft.

As I walked back to our own much more modest RV, I couldn’t help but feel inspired. The warmth of our chance meeting stayed with me throughout our Whistler trip, adding an unexpected layer of meaning to our winter family vacation. Sometimes the most memorable travel experiences aren’t found on any itinerary – they’re the spontaneous connections made along the way.