My Windows 8.1 Upgrade Experience


This weekend I upgraded several of my Windows 8 machines to Windows 8.1 which I got from my MSDN subscription…  Here are a few notes on the experience…

First, you will need new Keys for the Windows 8.1 installation. The old ones will not work, and the installation ask for it early in the process, and will not let you bypass it. After choosing the type of upgrade, it will ask you for what you want to keep… I chose to keep everything as it was an upgrade..


And then you get to the screen that begins the process:


I was actually quite surprised as to how long did it take to upgrade. It was about 35 minutes or so on fairly new machines… I guess it had to do a lot of things..


After the installation, all my applications, data and settings were there… With the exception of a few key plugins that I had previously downloaded, everything was pretty normal. The plug-ins I had issues with were: LastPass, Google Tool bar and Java Helper, Windows Live Sign IN and Lync.

A simple uninstall and reinstall with 64-bit versions was all it took to fix the error..


Another issue I had was with the new Internet Explorer. Windows 8.1 comes with Internet Explorer 11 which is not widely available yet, and apps have not been fully tested… The first one I noticed this on was (of all things) Microsoft Exchange OWA (Outlook Web Access) The following error appear the first time, and there has been trouble here-and-there ever since…


The OWA version that my company is currently using is: 14.2.309.2 which is a bit old… I need to try it on the newer version…

So what did I gain by upgrading to Windows 8.1?

Well the first thing is that I am on the latest secure version of the OS…

As bonus: I am now booting directly to my desktop and have a Start button which has *most* of the functionality of the older one (I can access my right-click on the bottom left Windows icon) J

Please feel free to leave me a note on your upgrade experience!