Off-Road Tales: 20230708-MundsPark-to-Sedona (First Flat Tire!)

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Ride: Hellgate Wilderness Trail and Hieroglyphic Mountain Loop
I have been puzzled by the road from Munds Park to Sedona downtown.
The first 8 miles are pretty easy and staight forward. Just a dirt road. Lots of regular cards get to see the views from the lookout point.
I however wanted to explore and continue the next 6 mines to downtown Sedona – the road was very rocky and this was my first time encountering the size of boulders and rocky terrain.
It was fun, but I may have been going a bit too fast because I got my first flat tire, and frankly speaking I was not prepared for it! The tire had a slash that could not be repaired with the puncture kit, and I had no spare tire. I was about 2 miles away from the main road when I noticed it by the sound of the punch of the rocks on the rim with the flat tire.
Had to look for a gas station and thankfully there was one that they sold me a used tire replaced mount it and got it back so I can make my way back home.
On the way back I saw the famous pink jeeps of Sedona ! That was fun passing them and saying hello — They go really slow 🙂
Loved the challenges, the scenery, the people, It was the most epic day of my riding career (all 6 weeks of it!) 100%
YouTube Video:
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Music credit: No Music. just the sounds of the road and the squeaking of the vehicle.
none Recorded
Just a few photos of this adventure:
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Off-Road Tales Series / Check it out!