Off-Road Tales: 20250124 – Short Afternoon Decompression Ride


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Ride: Back of Vistancia Discovering Short ride

The Route


See: photos of the day below

It was a hard week at work, and I needed to decompress. Machine was calling my name out load (it felt like it) so why not, lets go

Lets discover a bit of the back yard …

It was me a alone, and discovered a a couple of nice 360 lookout points of the area we live in

Pretty Cool! —

So my thoughts after this drive: Although it is disappearing quickl (new developments all over the place) I am lucky to live in a place I can ride out and visit a bit of the desert still!

YouTube Video:

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Music credit: No Music. just the sounds of the road and the squeaking of the vehicle.




Just a few photos of this adventure:

This article is part of the
Off-Road Tales Series / Check it out!