
Organic Fractals


I love to go to different street markets – You see so much in such a compact place it is  fun.  It is a great opportunity to take a few pictures because there is always something new to notice.. 

This past week we stopped by the Pike Place Market in Seattle, and as I was looking at vegetables, something caught side caught my eye.   It was  green and had a very strange texture.    I did not see a vegetable or fruit,  I saw fractals ! – and I almost immediately the words “Organic Fractals’ came to mind.  


How cool is this?   I think it is called Italian broccoli or Romanesco broccoli  and it is no so uncommon…  I just have never seen this before…  Got to wonder if the fractals theory and subsequently software was developed after looking at this in nature, along with some wine!

I searched for the term  “Organic Fractals”  on Google, and came up with a thousand Pinterest images — WOW –   Pretty !  I got to capture some myself! —

Now looking out there for  “Organic Fractals”