Today is our 30 Year Anniversary!

Today is our 30th year anniversary.
My wife, Flavia, is not a fan of this word, but today I think it is very appropriate: WOW!
As of this week, we have known each other 30 years and 6 weeks.
Although she did not know it back then, the day we met, I knew she was the one.
She was not ready at first, it took about 1 week for me to convince her to “consider me as candidate”, and about 5 weeks later we were getting married. Yes, it was fast! She took all the risk, at the time. She up-rooted her own life and came to Florida to begin our life together.
We have had great years, good years and not-so-good years. We have fought, cried, laughed and everything in between. Sometimes together and sometimes alone.
We have not only grown together, but we managed to raise two great kids (boy and girl, who are now grown up and looking for their own paths) as well as several sets of dogs along the way (Yes, she is a dog person).
Against the many odds of live, we are both first-borns, stubborn, headstrong, opinionated, along with family dynamics, pet-peeves and compromises we have made our life together work for us, with all kinds of memories along the way.
It has been a very full life.
Regrets? – NONE – really! I may tweak some of the decisions made along the way, but I would be happy to take the same long-term journey again. I must humbly admit that she has been right more times than me, but not forgetting that I have been right too.
Would I do it again? Absolutely and without a doubt, in a heartbeat!
I do not say this lightly, but I know she is my soulmate, and that I would be incomplete without her. Every time I see her, I know she is the right one for me. After every trip I take, I come back to her, and not necessarily home.
I am just a very lucky man that is looking forward to the next 30 years with her.
I sure hope she feels the same way 🙂
I have also made this one my podcast for the week: Click here to listen to it.