v1p5 – Release

This page/post is placed here as an archive of 31posts.com project.

2015-09-24 23:55 COMPLETED======================= Increased version to 1p5
- FIXED: Issue with Notes saving
- Added Promotional Slug Option (currently set to on ) need to move to options
- UpdateFiles: delete files
- UpdateFiles: backup of updated/deleted files
- Add New Entry off the Calendar page should close when SAVE and refresh the calendar
2015-08-28 23:55 COMPLETED======================= Increased version to 1p4
- FIXED: Issue with update routine: does not delete target files/directories that are no longer in control distribution source
2015-08-26 23:55 COMPLETED======================= Increased version to 1p3
- FIXED: When adding a New Entry, the Add Notes button should not be enabled.
- FIXED: Check for Updates fixed.
- Add CKEditor to Notes.
- In the CalendarView: Would like to add a “mouse over info box”
- Reorganize viewEntry Screen to fit screen better.
2015-08-22 23:55 COMPLETED======================= Increased version to 1p2
- FIXED: Currently not publishing Paragraphs (CRLF) in Tumblr and WordPress. Showing /r/n
- FIXED: Bug: When click on Add New from MASTER screen and then Hit CANCEL it does not return to main Screen (It works from AddNew in DayScreen)
- In viewEntry, store whether Bitly Enabled on Not (remember it) (database updated)
- Bitly option off by default. Moved infront of URL
- Move the channels selection above the date
- Made screen viewEntry bigger
- Added CKEditor to the viewEntry Form
- Fxed: In viewEntry: Only Show Publish if Publisher or Admin Update: Not everybody should be able to publish. Only Admins and Publishers user types. So if user is not am admin or publisher then: a) Remove Publish Now option from NewEntry if not one of the b) Display only Statuses: 10, 11, 20 & 25 c) Set Contributor to Person’s name only (Do not allow to multiple selection)
- COMPLETED: Need ability to add full WordPress Blogs (CKEditor) may need to change interface. (Note: Database change: added separate field for twitter text.
- COMPLETED: Ability to approve entries before being published.
- Changed Show Back Log on Top right to droppdown selection to display entries for Status.
- Database changes: 8/22/2015
2015-08-17 23:55 COMPLETED======================= Increased version to v1p1 (Beta)
- COMPLETED: Sync Code to CONTROL Distribution
- COMPLETED: Fixed issue with Force Auto Publish in Admin
- COMPLETED: Many small adjustments.
- FIXED: 20150815|JEP: WordPress is publishing only the first 140 characters
- FIXED: 20150815|JEP: if twitter entry that has more than 140 characters it publishing breaks. // Trimmed to 139 chars
- DB changes: 8/17/2015: