v1q2 – Released

2016-01-04 23:55 COMPLETED======================= Increased version to v1q2
- DaySummary: Filter by contributor / Channel are currently mutually exclusive (one resets the other ALL) Need them to work together.
- DaySummary: Number of entries in Summary does not reflect filter list. Need them to reflect the correct numbers when filtered.
- Day Summary: Add a Clear filters option to the interface.
- CalendarView: when filtering by Contributor, and click on day: The contributor filter not being retained. (Should show only those entries that match the filter)
- Added utility in Admin to Search and Replace content in databse
- small changes
2015-12-30 23:55 COMPLETED======================= Increased version to v1q1
- Changed code header to include 2013-2016.
- NoteView/EntryView Name Change: to viewNote/viewEntry
- When viewing a Note, have a link back to the entry it belongs to.
- Display Note ID on the viewNote (like in viewEntry)
- When Displaying a note, have a link to the entry.
- Moved into Git source Control. (Committed Master and Mods01 branches)
- Read version (and release date) from within version.txt (removed $g0_last_updated variables.php)