v1q6 – Released


2016-01-24 23:55 COMPLETED======================= Increased version to v1q6

  • timestamp for all files changed to 1/26/2016 1:31p

2016-01-24 23:55 COMPLETED======================= Increased version to v1q5

  • Ability to receive contributions from other sources REST API (Secure)
  • created Chrome extention for ekalendaro (with ability to place up to 3 different instances)
  • Ability to add from RSS news feed articles Based on: https://tt-rss.org/gitlab/fox/tt-rss
  • Created Plugin for ttRSS for researching and sending data to eKalendaro
  • fixed Miscellaneous items:
  • Add/Edit Entry: On IE: Popup calendar displaying off screen ( Working on FF & Chrome!)