Window 10 v1803 Ending

On November 12, 2019, users running non enterprise licenses of Windows 10 version 1803 will be required to upgrade to version 1903 or find themselves no longer able to receive monthly security updates.
According to a Microsoft support blog post:
Windows Update will automatically initiate a feature update to ensure device security and ecosystem health.”
Microsoft Support Blog
This includes Windows 10 version 1803 Home, Windows 10 version 1803 Pro, Windows 10 version 1803 Pro for Workstations, and Windows 10 version 1803 IoT.
As recently as May 2019, Windows 10 v1803 is the most widely used version of Windows 10, and although Microsoft has made significant efforts to alert customers and business, I am still finding folks that do not yet know Microsoft’s intent.
Moving forward, Microsoft has adopted an AI (Artificial Intelligence) approach to deciding when a computer can / should be updated. Factors influencing the upgrade decision will include whether the machine in question is deemed to be one suffering from any one of a list of known version 1903 compatibility issues, which will need to be resolved first.
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