Getting to Windows 10: Take the Blue Pill or the Red Pill

I always start my Windows 10 conversations with the statement, there are two parts to any Windows 10 project:
- Getting to Windows 10.
- Maintaining Windows 10
This article is all about “Getting to Windows 10”.
All of us have been to customers that have not yet officially started their Windows 10 projects or they are still at very early stages. This is especially true for larger organizations (public and private sectors). Procrastination is real, and unless Microsoft changes the date – which they have stated publicly they are not , Windows 7 -based devices will be out of support January 14, 2020. which meant they will be a security compliance issue, not to mentioned the data security risks.
The message is not new. But the reality of the timeline ahead, is! – We are at that point. (want the blue pill or red pill )
As of this writing, there are only 406 working business days until January 14, 2020.
It is my job to help customers not only understand the journey ahead, but also have the uncomfortable conversations, to make them realize they have an issue.
Showing customers how many business days are left before Windows 7 extended support ends, and tying those dates to the number of devices they have to migrate per week/month to get there has proven very effective. It has not only opened eyes but also lead to real conversations about actionable items.
I created created a very simple web page / tool to help customers visualize the effort ahead.
Windows 10 Migration Countdown Tool

Disclaimer: I work for DellEMC, as an End-User Computing (EUC) Solutions Principal in the Support & Deployment Services group. It is my passion to help guide organizations through the current technology transition we call the Digital Transformation specifically as it relates to Workforce Transformation. Visit Dell Technologies site for more information.