First In Person Presentation

Like most of us, for the past 18+ months, I have been doing virtual meetings and presentations, but a days ago, I did my first in-person presentation to a room full of people at a partner conference. – It was an event held near my house, so I did not have to travel. The experience was interestingly different.

The presentation went really well, it we had some great feedback.

I thought some of the back back story would be fun to share.

Back Story

To start with, I had to look for which dress jacket pants and dress shirt still fit after months of no use. Early the day of the presentation, I had a bit of a challenge finding by dress-socks as they had disappeared to the very back of the closet as they have no been used in many months.

It was a bit weird to see and interact with people in a conference setting again. I think many felt the same way. A lot of us were wearing masks but not all. It was not required and Delta variation was not yet in full bloom as it is now. Said hi to several I have not seen in two or thee years which was great, but a bit awkward as every interaction was a bit different… Some offer a hug, others a handshake only and others greeted with a light fist bump.

During the lunch time the venue set the food on a buffet style format where people will served themselves using servicing utensils instead of having someone serve the food and place it on the plates. The only thing on my brain as I picked what I wanted was, how many people have touched this utensil! — That was different!

I am fully vaccinated, but I am not really sure I am ready to go back to the field yet…

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