iNove Theme Change to Support Custom Menu

Like so many out there, I have been using the iNove v1.4.6 (by mg12) theme forever! It has been very stable, reliable and I’ve gotten used to it. I like it a lot.. I try to stick to “out of box” and make no modifications to the theme files, but one thing has bug me for a very long time…
I can not use custom menus with the theme.. I know, I should upgrade to a more up-to-date theme, as this one has not been updated in over 2 years, but … (what can I say!)
Tonight, after a bit of research, I found someone that had done it, so I tried the two simple steps, and it worked!
Big THANK YOU to “Spike” for documenting what needed to be done.
The post, which includes other modifications, can be found at:
A snippet of the process follows: