10,000 apps available for Android

If you remember my post a couple of weeks ago, I talked about what I liked and disliked about my newly purchased Palm Pre. At the time, I mentioned the biggest challenge for me was the lack of available applications, and asked Palm, to open up the store to developers!
I ran across the article in at AndroidGuys.com today: Android Market Estimated to Have 10,000 Apps and increasing in numbers rapidly. In the last 4 months, 100% growth . (the Android App Catalog can be found at: http://www.androlib.com/ ) The short, but impact-full, at least to me, article, goes on to state that:
With the number of handsets and carriers getting in on Android, the number of apps is likely to skyrocket near 20,000 by the end of the year.
On a different article, analysts from Gartner predict that by 2012, Android will become the world’s second most popular smartphone platform behind Symbian – with Apple’s iPhone in third place.
Summary for those of us with Palm Pre devices, we are bracing for impact!