Excited about my Palm Pre (again)!

Back in October 2009, I decided to upgrade my Treo and went with the Palm Pre platform. You might have read my post on this topic iPhone vs Palm Pre. There were 4 things I was a bit disappointed with the software/device.
- What’s up with no Flash capabilities? (same with iPhone)
- No zoom for the camera (same as iPhone)
- No capability to record video, even though the device is very capable.
- Please open up the Pre App Store to the web-community.
Well, I was just reading the summary (and later details) on the Palm Briefing session from CES.
YEAHHH!!! – I am excited about the announcements and the news!
- Flash plugin for the Pre browser will be posted in February to the community
- Video Recording capability also coming up in the same time frame
- REAL games are now available on the WebOS platform
- Pre App Catalog and Distribution is now open to the web-community
- Also cool: “Apps are no longer siloed, they share content, they can share data…”
Very cool and thankful Palm is listening again to their customer base.
More on this at: engadget.com and others.
PS – I almost forgot: Palm Mobile Hotspot… Just download this app, install it on your device, and you can use your device to connect to the internet… up to five different devices can connect. - that is totally cool for adhoc team (or family) connectivity where not available.