Hello Blogging world!

Ok – so I have chosen WordPress.com to begin my blog. This is your first post. Wow! –
Iit is hard to beleive I am just getting into this… All of us write so many emails on a daily bases… Some of the thoughts in them should definitelly make it to the light of day… — Now that I have been researching this worlds and seeing what others write, I keep telling myself “it is definitelly something I should do …
One of the things that impress me the most about other blogs is the way they place images and clips on their postings…. I wonder if for the amount of graphics they have they have separate sites — So for example I want to a simple image below:
Wow – that was surprisingly easy to upload and embbed into the page — That was nice…
One thing I love to do is to do clippings of stories and things that I find on the web… I have many quick small screenshots (have used snagit for many years) stored away on emails that never see the light of day…. I think moving forward I will place in my blog along with my thoughts …
Very simple and to the point – I like (so far WordPress.com )