Backstory: Bean Kingdom Book

By Jorge Pereira
Written and illustrated with the help of AI (Copilot, Claude, Perplexity)
Reading by Jorge AI from Eleven Labs
(Original idea credits to Jorge Pereira, Alyssa Pereira, Alexander Pereira and Jeff Forbes
See the back story here

Now available on Amazon!

Ever since my kids and I came up with this 20 years ago (when they were little), I always wanted to publish this short story about the Bean Kingdom.

One Saturday afternoon, on a rainy day in Redmond, WA, my daughter, my son, and his friend were all sitting at a Dairy Queen. It was a cold, dreadful winter day, the kind that makes you long for a warm fireplace and a good story. Little did I know that we were about to create our own.

Somehow, we got into telling stories about distant lands, and we ended up giving bean names to the different characters. What started as a simple game to pass the time quickly evolved into something magical. For over an hour, we sat there, working off each other, everyone contributing equally to the story, adding bits and pieces, always keeping it positive and interesting.

The Bean Kingdom came to life before our eyes. There were the brave Lima Bean knights, the wise Garbanzo scholars, the mischievous but good-hearted Pinto jesters, and so many more. Each type of bean had its own unique traits and role in the kingdom, much like the diverse individuals in our own communities.

It was a magical moment I never forgot. The synergy of our creativity, the laughter, and the sheer joy of collaborative storytelling left an indelible mark on my memory. I always wanted to get back to it and put it in writing, but life, as it typically does, got busy, and I never got around to it.

Years passed, and my children grew up. I wrote the first drafts of the story, I sent them to my now-adult kids. They kind of remembered something about it, but none of us could recall any specifics. It was probably more impactful to me than to them at the time, a cherished memory of their childhood that I held onto.

But the story refused to be forgotten. It simmered in the back of my mind, occasionally bubbling up to remind me of its existence. And finally, 20 years later, here we are, with the published story featuring six chapters and many more possibilities to explore.

My goal in this work has always been to keep it positive, reaffirming that the strength of a community lies in its diversity, history, and shared values. The Bean Kingdom, with its varied inhabitants, became a metaphor for our own world. Each bean tribe, regardless of its size, color, or origin, has a vital role to play in the kingdom’s prosperity.

As I developed the story, I realized that it wasn’t just about the beans; it was about the connections between them, the challenges they overcame together, and the lessons they learned along the way. It became a tale of friendship, courage, and the power of unity in the face of adversity.

Publishing this story has been a deeply rewarding experience. It’s not just the fulfillment of a long-held dream, but also a bridge connecting the past to the present. It’s a testament to the enduring power of good memories, imagination and the unexpected places it can take us.

I hope that as readers discover the Bean Kingdom, they’ll find echoes of their own communities, families, and friendships within its pages. And perhaps, on some rainy afternoon, they too might be inspired to create their own stories, weaving tales that will be remembered for decades to come.

It is my hope that the journey of the Bean Kingdom has only just begun, and I can’t wait to see where it leads next. After all, in the realm of storytelling, just like in the kingdom itself, the possibilities are as endless as they are magical.

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