Cloud Storage Services
Wow! – It has been about a year since I’ve written about this… It was in my article back in April 2012, Google Drive: Have Cloud Drives Lost Their Way? I stated what I thought was needed and the challenges with the existing services (back then) were…
Well – a lot of the issues have come to pass since, and just yesterday someone asked me what is the best cloud file service out there… As always, it depends on your needs and usage.. DropBox, GoogleDrive and SkyDrive seem to be doing a great job for the majority of folks out there… However, the are a ton of thing to consider – and what I may think is good for me, may not fit your needs…
The following table may help clarify at a basic level of what to look for and what features to look for:
There are many services which, for the lack of time, did not included in the table, A list of them follows:
4sync | |
Acronis | |
ADrive | |
Alfresco | |
Amazon Cloud Drive | Included |
Backblaze | |
BackupGenie | |
Bitcasa | Included |
Box | Included |
Carbonite | |
CloudMe | |
CloudSafe | |
CloudZow | |
ComodoCloud | |
Copy | |
CrashPlan | |
Cubby | | | |
DriveHQ | |
Dropbox | Included |
Druva | |
DwDrive | |
Egnyte | |
ElephantDrive | |
FilesAnywhere | |
FlipDrive | |
Gladinet | |
Google Drive | Included |
HiDrive | |
iCloud | Included |
IDrive | Included |
Jottacloud | |
Jungle Disk | |
JustCloud | |
LiveDrive | Included |
Maestro | |
Magic Backup | |
MediaFire | |
MegaCloud | |
MiMedia | |
Mozy | |
My Docs Online | |
My Vault | |
MyMusicCloud | |
MyPCBackup | |
NeatCloud | |
NitroBackup | |
NovatechCloud | | | |
Online Storage Solutions | |
OpenDrive | |
Pogoplug | |
SkyDrive | Included |
SOS Online Backup | |
SpiderOak | |
Storegate | |
StudyBackup | |
SugarSync | Included |
SurDoc | |
Symform | |
Syncplicity | |
TeamDrive | |
Ubuntu One | |
Wuala | |
YouSendIt | |
Zap Drive | |
ZipCloud | |
Zoolz | |
ZumoDrive |