Crosspost: Tech-Ed Keynote Highlits “Dynamic IT” and Virtualization


Not to brag, but we’ve been preaching this message since we were knee-high to a rack full of blades. It’s good though: the more this story gets out there, the more everyone who listens will win.

Tech-Ed Keynote Highlights ‘Dynamic IT’ and Virtualization

June 10, 2008 • by Kurt Mackie

Microsoft’s Tech-Ed North America event for IT professionals kicked off today with a keynote address on enabling “dynamic IT.” That idea was the main concept emphasized by keynote speaker Bob Muglia, senior vice president of Microsoft’s Server and Tools Business unit. The talk, given in Orlando, Fla., also consisted of a number of practical demos that displayed the latest Microsoft IT management solutions.

It turns out that the dynamic IT concept is a ten-year Microsoft plan, which is currently in its fifth year. The aim of dynamic IT, according to Muglia, is to reduce IT maintenance costs and “drive business advantage” via Microsoft technologies. Muglia pointed to Microsoft’s infrastructure optimization models as a first step for IT organizations to become “dynamic.”

Read More: Redmond | News: Tech-Ed Keynote Highlights ‘Dynamic IT’ and Virtualization