
Era of Excellence…


Jason Calacanis ( Wikipedia, website, @jason ) has done it again…  

Side note: (I have learned so much from his 250+ This Week on Startups webcasts -   I have listen  or viewed every single one, and look forward to new ones every week)

Jason sent out to his subscribers “The Age of Excellence”   which is an *excellent*  piece on how technologist, have created today’s demand for excellent.  

His point:  

Either a person or product is excellent and hugely successful or it’s practically nonexistent.


Think about it… If you visit a new site or use a new app, and it does not match your expectations, you simply move on and keep searching right?   But, think about what does this mean to the startup?  Does the first version need to be perfect? What happened to iteration on the open?

I do not agree with his comments on Europeans being behind on Excellence, but a small “nit” considering the article as a whole.

You can listen to the MP3 piece here    (Excellent reading by  Lon Harris @lon  )

You can read the piece at   Launch.co blog

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