
Excited about my Palm Pre (again)!


Back in October 2009, I decided to upgrade my Treo and went with the Palm Pre platform.  You might have read my post on this topic iPhone vs Palm Pre.      There were 4 things I was a bit disappointed with the software/device.

  1. What’s up with  no Flash capabilities?   (same with iPhone)
  2. No zoom for the camera  (same as iPhone)
  3. No capability to record video, even though the device is very capable.
  4. Please open up the Pre App Store to the web-community.


Well, I was just reading the summary (and later details) on the Palm Briefing session from CES.

YEAHHH!!! – I am excited about the announcements and the news! 

  1. Flash plugin for the Pre browser will be posted  in February to the community
  2. Video Recording capability also coming up in the same time frame
  3. REAL games are now available on the WebOS platform
  4. Pre App Catalog  and Distribution is now open to the web-community
  5. Also cool: “Apps are no longer siloed, they share content, they can share data…


Very cool  and thankful Palm is listening again to their customer base. 

More on this at: engadget.com and others.


PS  – I almost forgot:   Palm Mobile Hotspot… Just download this app, install it on your device, and you can use your device to connect to the internet… up to five different devices can connect.     -  that is totally cool for adhoc  team (or family) connectivity where not available.