How often do you get home?

It has been a tough couple of travel days, and decided that the night was better spent catch up on work. For dinner I chose to eat at the hotel restaurant, which, to be honest, I prefer to avoid, except for rare occasions.
Like most of us, I usually mind my own business, and do not listen in to other people’s conversations but after a couple of minutes, the next table conversation turns into business-travel and one of the questions that pop is: How often do you get home?
As a seasoned business traveler, traveling 80% plus per year, this simple question caught my attention. I had to interrupt their conversation before I found myself intruding into their private conversation too much. After a bit of small-talk, I found them to be good fun people, very focused on their start-up…
Although I am very familiar with this life-style, often the question asked is: “How often do you travel?” or “What percent of your job is travel?” however, I have *never* heard it put in this way.
A large percent of my work involves helping customers see things from a different prospective so they are able to transform and change. It is not an easy task to convey my message, and I am always in the lookout for simple ways to trigger that “click” – It is a most rewarding moment when I see it.
I am now in my room writing this and I have to say, that simple question which I overhead a random restaurant in the table next to me by two random strangers taking is still making an impression.. It probably will for a long time..
For me, my travels involve customer visits Monday – to – Thursday. So I am typically home Friday – Sunday.
Perspective is truly fascinating… It is so interesting how life has a way to pop, when you least expect it, reminders of what you are doing and why you are doing what you are doing…