iPhone vs Palm Pre

No this will not be a full comparasion or anything like that, just a quick rambling in myblog regardind my observations between the two platforms, after using both for about a couple of months now.
Although I secretly wanted for the Pre to be the one to write about, I have to say that iPod as a platform is definitelly ahead of the game… I realize this is a bit unfair, as the iPhone platform has been much longer in the market place, but …
My questions for both platforms are:
- What’s up with no Flash capabilities? Is it a licensing thing???
- On the camera – Why not a digital zoom 2x or 3x ? Is it a hardware limitation?
I really like my Pre but I do have a couple of challenges with it:
- Why in the world would Pre developers not have an on screen keyboard available?
I know there are a couple of ways to hack it, but come-on… Why not make it available standard. - Why not a Video recorder ?
The device is capable and as I understand it outstanding hardware, but it came with no software… - PLEASE open up the Pre AppStore soon! – The 40 or so applications you have right now are just killing the momentum… – It can be and we can have so much more —