
LatestsTweets: 2010-08-30


Latest Tweets:

08/13/10 00:53:17 Using #Flipboard on iPad.  What a fantastic app and  UI. Highly recommended!  www.flipboard.com
08/13/10 01:21:44 Netflix to stream Paramount, Lionsgate, MGM movies on Sep 1 http://www.seattlepi.com/business/1700ap_us_tec_netflix_movie_streaming.html
08/13/10 01:25:29 Microsoft, Google, CompuCom and California  – latimes.com http://bit.ly/coxFhG
08/13/10 03:00:03 iPad Instrument Apps http://bit.ly/aAo9hf
08/13/10 03:28:31 Six Costly Cloud Mistakes – – CFO.com http://bit.ly/ashoCd
08/14/10 03:49:11 Windows 7 passes Vista in usage | Beyond Binary – CNET News http://bit.ly/bjhvc7
08/15/10 17:30:18 Forrester releases VDI cost analysis of XenDesktop http://bit.ly/9AIMxc
08/16/10 20:03:51 Applications anywhere from a browser: GraphOn  http://bit.ly/c3Wfxy
08/19/10 02:42:16 Virtualization isn’t cloud computing  –  http://bit.ly/bUPof1
08/19/10 03:23:28 Virtual Desktop End-to-End Solution for Less Than $500 :  http://bit.ly/9lF5K7
08/19/10 11:23:58 The Top 10 Cloud Computing Trends ~  CloudTweaks.com http://bit.ly/98Ce6l
08/22/10 20:14:37 RT @TechCrunch: Google Trys To Steal Facebook’s Thunder, Plays Up Impressive Maps Userbase http://t.co/IoYv8IM by @alexia
08/25/10 00:04:56 Box.net’s iPad project at D7 Consulting: How the iPad works at work http://bit.ly/93YAFm
08/28/10 16:49:11 3PAR Determines HP Proposal Is Superior Offer At Roughly $2 Billion | Cloud Computing News Media … http://bit.ly/9V1y2y
08/28/10 16:58:15 “XenVault,” a secure corporate storage location  http://bit.ly/bVXHBo