Microsoft’s BPOS Offering / Cloud Computing…

Microsoft’s Business productivity Online Services (BPOS) is getting ready to officially launch within a few weeks… They have moved all beta users in to release candidate code and are in high gear recruiting partners, as their strategy is 100% partner attachment for these services… ( We are hoping this to be the case for many years to come… )
As they have announced, the November release will include Exchange Online, SharePoint Online inmediatelly along with the Microsoft Online Administration Center management portaland shortly after, Communications Server Online, Dynamics CRM Online, Live Meeting and the and the . The little known extra which is now just becoming known is their System Center Online offering for Desktops, or Desktop Management Service. The Partner Opportunity Playbook document says it the best:
Managed services will be one of the leading partner offers with Microsoft Online Services. Customers now moving to a subscription-based model of buying software are more inclined to purchase other services on a subscription basis. Partners can offer managed services including desktop management ($30-$100 per desktop), desktop optimization ($20-$50 per desktop), and vulnerability assessments.
and speaking of good news, Just this past Wednesday I receive an email from Amazon’s Elastic Compyte Cloud that will be offering Wndoes Server and SQL server capabilities starting “later this fall”… (you can see the posting at:
Seems to me these are all very good news for all of us consumers, but it is true that will change the business model of many service providers..