New (old) Blog: The Deployment Guys

Any of you that read Ben Hunter’s blog, have probably noticed that the posts have been a little light as of late. Well, he decided to give it up. However, never fear: in the spirit of “Ben Hunter is dead! Long live Ben Hunter!” he’s combined efforts with several other Microsoft Deployment folks, and has created an aggregate blog called:
From a Ben Hunter-penned entry called “What is The Deployment Guys”:
“The Deployment Guys” is a blog focused on deployment.
“The Deployment Guys” is a combined effort.
There many different blogs out there with useful deployment information. This is great but it can be difficult to keep track of them all, there must be a better way.
With this in mind we have decided to combine out deployment related blogs into one blog, this blog!
But that is not all…. We have also managed to convince a number of deployment gurus from within Microsoft Services that do not currently have blogs to contribute. These are guys that have great information to contribute and will really add something to the blog.
So look out for posts from Richard Smith, Daniel Oxley and Ben Hunter as well as a host of others. We have a lot planned.
We have high hopes for this blog hopefully you will find it useful as well.
This post was contributed by Ben Hunter a consultant with Microsoft Services New Zealand.
Adios and welcome back, Ben! We’ll be watching!