Operational Benefits OF BYOD Strategy

Index: Part of BYOD Strategy Series of articles
The influx of new communication devices and solutions in the corporate environment resulted in the workforce becoming increasingly mobile. Take for instance, remote desktop access and SSL VPNs, which has made it possible for the workforce to make the choice with respect to location and time. Similarly, very many technological innovations have made the concept of office obsolete. The concept of 9 to 5 job is outdated, since it is no longer practicable in an environment that is highly competitive and volatile. Today employees do not need an office atmosphere to be productive. It is the era of mobile offices where the employees choose the office location, which can be their home, library, coffee shop, public Internet kiosk, airport lounges so on and so forth.
One of the important advantages of mobile “officing” is greater productivity. Employees who are part of the mobile workforce are ready to put in extra hours, as mobile officing helps them to maintain a healthy balance between personal and professional lives. Moreover, as employees can take their office wherever they go they succeed in managing their workloads more efficiently. They are productive to such an extent that they are ready to use their own personal devices for work resulting in a new trend termed as Bring Your Own Device (BYOD).
BYOD or rather BYOT (Bring Your Own Technology) as employees use not only their personally owned hardware devices but also the software used on the device for their office work, is rapidly catching on as more and more companies are embracing it. Adopting BYOD is definitely an added advantage for companies that already have a mobile workforce. Let’s see how.
Reduced Corporate Expenses
With a mobile workforce, companies are already enjoying reduced capital cost for offices and reduced infrastructure costs. And with BYOD, companies get to enjoy reduced operational and maintenance costs since embracing BYOD have relieved them from the responsibility of providing employees with latest computing equipments. Hence, there is no worry about IT provisioning.
Allowing employees to bring their own devices to work translates into cost savings for the enterprises. They need not worry about IT provisioning and therefore no buying or leasing of devices.
Improved Efficiency and Productivity
Today most employees are tech-savvy and own PCs, laptops to Smartphones and tablets. Hence working with obsolete devices in the workplace takes their interest away from the work. With BYOD, they get to work with familiar, powerful, and most modern technological devices that help to get their work done quickly.
Mobile officing increases the productivity of the employees as they put in those hours that would have otherwise spent on commuting. Moreover, there is low absenteeism. And with BYOD, employees get to work with the most modern technological devices that help to get their work done quickly and efficiently. BYOD also helps in managing multi-site projects as it facilitates easy collaboration and communication between team members.
Thanks to remote desktop access, BYOD facilitates the concept of anywhere office. It allows employees to work anywhere at any time.
Increased Job Satisfaction
Since BYOD allows employees to work with the devices of their choice, it increases productivity and efficiency leading to job satisfaction.
The concept of mobile workforce, BYOD was unimaginable 10 years ago. However, today it is the reality.
In today’s competitive world most employers are urging their employees to add greater value to the overall business by improving their capacity to perform from anywhere, anytime and on any device of their preference. With the increasing requirement of instant information, employees are given the option of using their own devices such as notebooks, tablets, smartphones, ultra-portable PC’s into the workplace for connectivity and use.
Enterprises are heavily investing in applications that are more useful for employees and can maximize their productivity and mobility. In majority of corporations, the BYOD strategy is gradually gaining momentum as the employees are generally comfortable in utilizing their own devices.
Increasing Demand For BYOD
Today numerous enterprises have started the option of “work from home” owing to huge work demands of client and insufficient office space. In such kind of a situation, the employees are given their personal computing devices on the organization’s company network.
According to industry experts, organization’s have introduced the concept of BYOD in order to minimize expenses and make the most of their employees with high work efficiency and flexible working hours. Furthermore, it is also believed the BYOD deployments is also done to shift company’s telecom expenses to their employees. This increasing trend in BYOD is expected to dramatically alter the nature of assistance, which either outsourced suppliers or corporate IT teams are capable of offering. Simultaneously, this requirement of maintaining and support a plethora of computing devices, RDP remote access , tablets’s and laptops, tablets and their related application might also fundamentally alter the present ways of operating.