SCCM Ranger Training

From the Awesome Ideas Department, Brian Tucker has raised the idea of an SCCM Ranger training event that would encourage a team-based deep-dive into the management software, and would do so in a casual setting – a house on a beach, for example, rather than YACRIAMH (yet another conference room in a mediocre hotel.)
While this might conjure visions of a ServerNerd reality show, the less-sarcastic part of me loves this idea. Get a bunch of smart people together, and discuss advanced scenarios for SCCM configuration and real world applications for complex architectures. Do it with pizza, beer and s’mores. Provide a Microsoft “title” – “SCCM Ranger” or something less evocative of a merit badge, and make the training pass/fail.
What do you think? Is this a good idea? Does it sound better than sitting in a training room looking at another PowerPoint deck? I sure think it does.
Brian Tucker’s SCCM 2007 Ranger Training Class poll
And yes, Brian, 249 of us are probably lazy or busy, but I still think your idea rocks!