Speed up your Internet with DNS



Several years ago, as a result of many issues with my then service provider, I switched and standardized my default DNS settings to point to a free DNS service called OpenDNS.  I’ve been very satisfied with, and has provided great reliable and save service.  

My old service provided went our of business, and many computers later, my OpenDNS habit continued, as it not only provides a reliable name resolution, but also anti-phishing, content filtering malware site protections and such…

On December 3rd, 2009, Google announced their own public DNS service which launched with the commitment to speed up your browsing experience while increasing your  security.

Skeptical and going in with no high expectations, decided to give it a try. 

First, it was easy to remember for the DNS setup:  and

After 5 days of use, I can honestly say that I am surprised.   I have noticed a significant difference.    Google’s Public DNS service is promising. I wonder what else is in store.

I have not yet decided to switch completely out of OpenDNS, as I need to read more about what Google is tracking, and the pro and cons bloggers out there…  I hope,  as more users add themselves to their DNS servers, some of the speed will  not be affected..