The term: InfraOps at Derbycon 2015


This is a shout-out to  Karthik Rangarajan Daniel Tobin for bringing the topic of InfraOps   in their Derbycon 2015 presentation:

How I Stopped Worrying and Learned To Love InfraOps

Excellent job – loved the presentation!

Their position:

In the last two years, the ideal organization of security amongst other teams has been hotly debated. Many permutations have been presented: DevOps and SecOps should be married, SecOps is DevOps, DevOps includes security.    The crux is that Security is still an outsider looking in, and trying to find a seat at the table where Development, Operations, IT, and Product meet.  In this talk, we present a new paradigm that better aligns security with the needs of the full organization – InfraOps. This isn’t merely a new name, but a novel, holistic approach to how we deal with operations. It encompasses not only how we deploy software or how we monitor our production environments – but rather permeates to all areas, including local networks and IT infrastructure. 

I wish the quality of the video and voice was a bit better, but

Link to their presentation here.  (circa April 2015)

Also a great article on the topic:   The marriage of DevOps and SecOps   (2015-03-06)

