To Netflix: Must Try Something else now

After several months of back and forth, this past weekend (long weekend) we finally came to realization that the current Netflix offering is just not working for us anymore… When the rate increase changed, earlier this year, we switched to streaming only, but, simply put, the current streaming selection sucks!
Recent news events that have affected my decision include: Sony catalog gone, they will eliminate Starz and they are enforcing the limit of one movie stream at a time.
I have used Netflix services for years (member since 2003) , and we have enjoyed it tremendously, which makes my cancellation harder, but the selections have gotten worst, the price has increased, and there are similar services ( RedBox, Amazon Prime, HBO Go, Xfinity online ) that available now.
I have seen many posting about cancelling Netflix service… One that was described the reasons and experience well is West Williams’ posting at
How can Netflix now revert the trend? – I *really* hope they do…