
Tweet Archives: 2010-12-31


Archive of last set of tweets sent in 2010..

12/13/10 17:36:52 How Does Airplane WiFi Work? at WLAN Book.com http://bit.ly/eGvRDD
12/15/10 04:34:08 Monetizing digital content the rocky road ahead — Good Presentation http://slidesha.re/eYOI8q
12/16/10 00:30:49 Microsoft: From 2010 to 2011 – Walking the Cloud Talk –  http://bit.ly/fynQWv
12/18/10 19:09:04 Citrix looks to 2011 to boost VDI uptake, update XenClient http://bit.ly/flUNfp
12/18/10 19:23:21 Quest OEMs Liquidware Lab’s VDI assessment toolkit and provides it for free! –  http://bit.ly/fFS55G
12/21/10 00:49:11 Tech: Tuning Windows 7 for VDI with Group Policy http://bit.ly/dXszHD
12/21/10 00:58:05 Microsoft shelves Office Genuine Advantage tool | Microsoft – CNET News http://bit.ly/gqwAcg