Tweets for July – December 2018


My Twitter tweets (@jorper98) for above mentioned period follow:

Report created by FetchTweets A PHP script to “fetch” the tweets from any account (via twitter API) and return results in a simple HMTL table. Open Source Code at: FetchTweets Originally created to easily backup tweets into a blog.   You can see a the rest of my postings containing my tweets can be found here:

Date:Time (UTC) Tweet
2018-12-31   Thankful for a great 2018. Looking forward to 2019. Best wishes to all !
2018-12-31   Love this #blockchain #decisiontree #cybersecurity #blockchainhype Source:
2018-12-30   Just a #moss photo… Happy December 30th!
2018-12-28   How to Get More #Retweets on Your Twitter Posts #Wordpress #socialmedia
2018-12-26   Last trip of the year. Leaving 2018 in style and entering 2019 with good status #delta #FrequentFlier…
2018-12-20   Great reminder of the power of technology #futureofwork #4IR #workforcetransformation
2018-12-20   Very Cool sight! #passingthetime #videogames @AirportGameway #dfwairport
2018-12-18   RT @matvelloso: Morning coffe is a liquid hug followed by a little whisper saying: “It’s going to be just fine”
2018-12-18   Lots of excellent content #workspacetransformation #moderndevicemanagement #moderneuc #iwork4dell #windows10
2018-12-15   Good solid advise!
2018-12-13   Http/3 coming in 2019
2018-12-12   Computer says: stop working for a bit… enjoy the #sunset #windows10 #biztravel
2018-12-11   RT @stephenlrose: Microsoft Teams usage passes Slack in new survey; IT pros expect its presence to double by 2020 v…
2018-12-10   RT @FlyingBlueMonki: He knows when you are sleeping, he knows when you’re awake, he knows when you’ve been bad or [SegFault] 0x1c0005c2 in…
2018-12-10   RT @kashthefuturist: Understand how big the planets really are
2018-12-10   RT @roger_zander: Hyper-V has now a Template to create an #MSIX Packaging Environmnet… Just start with the “Quick Create…” action https:/…
2018-12-10   Not often I get the rainbow welcome. Pretty cool. #Delta #frequentflyer #skymileslife
2018-12-09   Sunday #biztravel Writing my next blog post
2018-12-09   Good reminder to all of us. #inspiration#selfhelp #quotesoftheday #selfawareness #lifecoach #life
2018-12-08   IBM’s “digital experience” products – Notes, Domino, Appscan, BigFix Unica, Portal and Connections – all moving to…
2018-12-08   As always, Impressive #photography
2018-12-06   I do a bit of web development and i go to say this is a very impressive move from #Microsoft – Thank you for puttin…
2018-12-06   Another event successfully completed. Team made an impact today… It was a Good day! #Iwork4Dell…
2018-12-04   Recently I had the need to clear and old #twitter account so I can transfer to another person.    I wrote a blog po…
2018-12-04   Good morning… #morningcoffee
2018-12-04   Good article! #attitude #intelligence #personaldevelopment
2018-12-01   New Post: Domain Sale Experience – A Matter of Trust #blockchain#domainsale #trust
2018-12-01   Good read #predictionsfor2019 #technology #GenZ #DigitalTransformation #iwork4dell
2018-12-01   RT @ThomasKurth_ch: Just added possibility to analyze #BranchCache traffic on a client to the #ModernWorkplaceClientCenter –> Get-BCStatus…
2018-12-01   New Office App Icons coming soon
2018-12-01   RT @thurrott: Google Is Finally Killing Hangouts…in 2020 – by @mehedih_ –
2018-11-29   RT @reillyusa: Asked this morning “how do you prepare for keynotes and presentations?” 1. Write down your entire narrative 2. Read it bac…
2018-11-29   Great advise! Short time left!
2018-11-28   Not what I needed just before a presentation which I was modifying… <sigh>
2018-11-28   Follow @moderneuc for #workspacetransformation #moderneuc #modernprovisioning #UEM #WIndows10 #moderndesktop and…
2018-11-23   RT @modaly_it: * NEW BLOG POST * Drivers as a Service is available for public testing now. Providing automatic continuous updates for HP, D…
2018-11-23   New Blog Post: Launching a New Blog focused on Modern End User Computing #modernEUC
2018-11-18   RT @tcrawford: Whoa! New study shows 90% of IT budget spent on keeping the lights on versus 10% on #innovation. That is compared with 80/20…
2018-11-18   You can help prevent this from happening. Do not use plastic straws! #strawless By 2050 There Will be More Plasti…
2018-11-13   RT @mniehaus: On November 13, 2018, we will begin the re-release of the Windows 10 October Update (version 1809), Windows Server 2019, and…
2018-11-12   RT @MargaretatDell: Gartner Symposium, stand up for value – great advice for how to manage shadow IT – it’s the same advice we hear from co…
2018-11-09   New Episode: JORGEP036: Costa Rica Visit 2018 #Podcast #YouTube
2018-11-08   RT @nabeelmahmood: We are the builders of #digitaltransformation – The best way to describe the era we’re living in as “business unusual”…
2018-11-06   New Episode: JORGEP035: Crafting with my Mom #Podcast #YouTube
2018-11-05   Funny now that I see it in a cartoon. We have all been there! #digitaltransformation #modernEUC #marketoon…
2018-11-03   I can’t even charge my iPhone with 1 Amp! #electricity #frequentflyer #mmm #thingidonotunerstand
2018-11-03   This is how some people fish in Florida! #realfishing #fishing #alligatorfishing
2018-11-02   How are you doing with your Windows 10 migration ? Use the Win10 Migration countdown to find out:…
2018-11-02   RT @jasonlk: A few thoughts on: * what really matters in sales contracts (most things don’t), * what to simplify and cut — and * how to c…
2018-11-01   Lunch today before a customer meeting. Good pizza! . #Lunchtime #biztravel #RoadWarriors
2018-11-01   New Episode: JORGEP034: Caught Myself Planning #Podcast #YouTube
2018-10-29   How cool is this? #AR and #VR to create powerful learning experiences. #TransformEDU #EDU18 #Iwork4Dell…
2018-10-29   RT @mwbengtsson: Interested in Co-management, SCCM, Intune and AutoPilot? My blog posts describes how you can reach Co-management through W…
2018-10-29   New Episode: JORGEP033: Travellers Talk #Podcast #YouTube
2018-10-27   Good to be Heading back home #flyhomefriday #biztravel #frequentflyer
2018-10-24   A great listen every time!
2018-10-24   RT @MargaretatDell: Here are some groundbreaking retail trends set to revolutionize the way marketers interact with customers. Consumer p…
2018-10-24   RT @MegAnnen: Another great day at Mid-Market CIO Forum. #MCIOF #DellEMCExchange ⁦@DellEMC⁩ #BEisMidmarket
2018-10-24   Back in the saddle.. ???? . . #frequentflyer #biztravel #delta #BusinessTravel #redeye
2018-10-22   New Podcast: JORGEP032: Fall Day/Return from Vacation
2018-10-19   #appv #appvirtualization
2018-10-19   Relaxing last day of #vacationtime #lifeisgood
2018-10-19   RT @nabeelmahmood: Technological Advancements Are Putting Additional Pressure On Silicon Valley, Nation’s Data Center Resources https://t.c…
2018-10-19   RT @josuejnegron: Take a quick look at what’s new in the @WorkspaceONE #UEM 18.10 Release. You don’t want to skip watching this short video…
2018-10-15   RT @Microsoft: Statement from Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella on the passing of Paul Allen:
2018-10-15   Wild horse #nofilters #vacationtime
2018-10-14   RT @iostrategy: New Blog Post: Office ProPlus vs Office 365 ProPlus #officeproplus #Office365…
2018-10-14   Here’s how Microsoft can fix its Windows 10 update issues #Windows10 #waas
2018-10-12   Much needed #earlymorningcoffee #biztravel #beforesunrise #morningcoffee
2018-10-10   What a great place! Great Cab #winetasting #winelovers #SantaFe #biztravel
2018-10-10   RT @EucQueen: EUC Tip: Educate by Example – Don’t just hand your end users a Quick Start sheet or basic overview video. Give them real-worl…
2018-10-09   RT @noel_fairclough: Something to be aware of with #Windows10October2018Update. The downloads folder is now part of “Disk Cleanup” in #Wind
2018-10-09   Good interview: George Gilder: Forget Cloud Computing, #Blockchain is the Future via @YouTube @HooverInst
2018-10-08   RT @colin_sainsbury: Why wait? Migrate to #Win10 with these best practices. #Iwork4Dell
2018-10-05   Must read: #windows10 #moderndesktop #moderneuc
2018-10-05   Today’s #workplace #roadwarrior #biztravel #moderneuc
2018-10-05   RT @colin_sainsbury: This was a great session live #ConfigMgr has a role for on premises devices as well as W32 app deployment for #comanag
2018-10-04   RT @TheAviPrasad: Wow. After facing the rising prices of server infra needed to maintain physical datacenters, @Microsoft‘s migrated their…
2018-10-03   RT @colin_sainsbury: A great post from my colleague @timwright49 on the importance of readying your people not just their equipment for you…
2018-10-02   RT @jarwidmark: Nice, #Windows10 v1809 available for download on #MSDN #Happiness
2018-10-02   Windows 10 v1809 is out folks! #Windows10 #waas #modernEUC
2018-10-02   RT @WorkspaceONE: VMware named a Leader in @IDC MarketScape: #UEM Software 2018 Vendor Assessment. Download the report:…
2018-10-02   Good One! #goodquotes
2018-10-02   #intune #msintune
2018-10-02   RT @appcompatguy: Our Desktop App Assure program is up and running for customers in North America, and for apps in English. (Don’t worry, i…
2018-10-01   Happy October 1st! #morningcoffee #onewithnature
2018-10-01   Summary List of Microsoft Ignite 2018 EUC Related News and Announcements – #moderneuc #Windows10 #modernworkspace…
2018-10-01   List of Windows 10 related sessions at #msignite2018 #windows10 #moderndesktop #ModernEUC
2018-09-30   Lol!
2018-09-30   RT @DJ_SMcLaughlan: Announced at Ignite: IT Pro’s can now manage their @MSIntune environments with native Powershell Cmdlets [In Preview].…
2018-09-30   RT @PerLarsen1975: Microsoft brings “Ignite – The tour” to 17 cities all over the world with a two day free event in 2018-2018 #MSIgnite #…
2018-09-30   Last week announcement, but still very relevant: Dell will offer Windows #Autopilot registration globally at no ad…
2018-09-30   We already new this, bit confirmation is good. #windows10
2018-09-30   Excellent post: #WordPress from HTTP to HTTPS (Beginner’s Guide)
2018-09-29   Saturday #morningcoffee #takeamoment #Thankful
2018-09-28   Fantastic Notes! #ModernEUC
2018-09-27   RT @Anderson: ICYMI — here’s a recap of every #ConfigMgr & #Intune announcement we made at #MSIgnite. this list is almost unbelievable……
2018-09-27   RT @colin_sainsbury: Enjoyed hearing @mniehaus and @stxwrx present on how #Dell has assisted @ROKAutomation with their #Windows10 implement…
2018-09-27   RT @rhoge: The #onedrive team is announcing and delivering a lot exciting capabilities at #msignite18
2018-09-26   RT @panusaukko: This is a great slide from @Anderson session at #MSIgnite: AD & AAD and #SCCM & #MSIntune are additive in many cases. You d…
2018-09-25   Good tutorial: Block Personal Windows Devices – via @annopmannur #windows10
2018-09-24   Great article! Short and Sweet: Virtual Machines vs Containers vs Serverless Computing: Everything You Need to Know…
2018-09-24   RT @InsightBrief: Power generation companies need a framework for #digitaltransformation via @IIoT_World >> #Indu
2018-09-24   Very Cool! #intune #windows10 #ModernWorkplace
2018-09-24   Very interesting short report on #bitcoin #bitcoinmining #cryptomining #wenatchee
2018-09-24   This is very good news! #Windows10 #ModernWorkplace
2018-09-24   #ModernWorkplace #ModernDesktop #Windows10 #Intune
2018-09-24   Cool! RT @stealthpuppy: Visualising #ConfigMgr#Intune and #Windows10
2018-09-22   RT @industry40io: 50 Blockchain real world use cases #Blockchain Via @ZagoMatteoGian #cryptos #cryptofinance #cryptoassets #cryptosto
2018-09-21   New Microsoft Resource to help the Journey to #ModernDesktop #ModernDeviceManagement #EUC #M365 #Microsoft365…
2018-09-21   RT @MichaelDell: Yes, as we position @DellTech to be THE best, most trusted partner in the digital future, we will always keep our focus on…
2018-09-17   Officially launched! Microsoft Managed Desktop (#MMD), a new initial offering that brings together Microsoft 365 E…
2018-09-17   RT @MichaelDell: This is super and consistent with trends we see @DellTech as well
2018-09-17   Just finished watching #TheFirst. Loved it! Incredibly well done. @hulu @thefirstonhulu
2018-09-16   Great resource bookmark it! Thank you @gwblok #Windows10
2018-09-15   Very cool! #Windows10 #modernprovisioning #euc
2018-09-15   Three episodes in and loving #TheFirst with Sean Penn in @hulu @thefirstonhulu Great job!
2018-09-14   Good stuff: #modernworkspace #euc
2018-09-14   #Intune will retire support for devices running Windows 7 January 2020 #Windows7
2018-09-13   RT @Raf_Delgado: Couldn’t resist giving a sneak peak to my new community project #ConfigMr #SCCM Device Cost Estimator #PowerBI. Blog and t…
2018-09-13   Insights based on data captured at the #ITTransformation workshops from @DellEMCServices and @VMware reveal how CIO…
2018-09-13   How do I use #DayScheduler to increase #CustomerExperience while #SavingTime
2018-09-13   I just found ran into this announcement. looks pretty cool! Thanks @noel_fairclough !
2018-09-12   Good article #windows10 #gpo
2018-09-12   #Windows10 users heads up… look for the new / improved Screen Sketch in the future…
2018-09-12   RT @josuejnegron: Pulled the trigger on @VMware @WorkspaceONE #UEM for #Windows10 modern management but ran into some issues or just have q…
2018-09-12   RT @jandreacola: Happy #PatchTuesday ! #Windows10 1803 has a servicing stack update which needs to be applied before September’s patch will…
2018-09-11   RT @evankirstel: Digital or Die > In 2018, #CEO priorities are shifting to embrace #digital business >> @Gartner_inc via @MikeQuindazzi >>…
2018-09-11   Windows #Autopilot self-deployment mode #Windows10 #modernprovisioning #euc
2018-09-11   Just posted my thoughts on the announced Microsoft Windows 10 Servicing Changes #Windows10 #WaaS Enjoy!…
2018-09-11   Yikes!
2018-09-10   Good Endpoint Zone episode on Citrix Microsoft #Microsoft365 collaboration #intune #emm #Windows10 #M365
2018-09-10   Support for hybrid mobile device management (#MDM) with Microsoft #Intune and System Center Configuration Manager (…
2018-09-09   Fantastically MDT resource by @juliuspiv #Windows10 #ConfigMgr #EUC
2018-09-08   Couchsurfing at my son’s place last night. #lifeisgood #frequenttravel #biztravel 4 out of 5 stars only because…
2018-09-08   What business value / reason is there to deploy #windows10 March release in the enterprise ? #waas #why30months…
2018-09-08   RT @MSFTMechanics: Reset #Windows10 on a device and automatically redeploy to a fully business ready state. No need to physically touch the…
2018-09-06   Microsoft announces #Windows10 #waas changes and #windows7 #EUC security updates beyond end of life.
2018-09-04   Good to know. #Office365 #Windows10
2018-09-04   RT @PerLarsen1975: Intune name change from Mobile Apps to Client Apps in the admin portal #MSIntune
2018-09-02   Eye opening #vmworld2018 session on the work @Jason_Roszak and team have been doing.. Must watch: Transform Wind…
2018-09-01   Productive afternoon viewing the GREAT #EUC content – #moderndevicemanagement #workspacetransformation #windows10…
2018-09-01   Really enjoying the new #JackRyan Series on #AmazonPrime
2018-09-01   RT @okieselb: Application Publishing Automation in Microsoft Intune -> Interesting read ???? #MSIntune #Automation #LOBApps #iOS #Android http…
2018-09-01   To check: #MDT
2018-09-01   No more confusion: “EMS grants rights to use System Center Configuration Manager (Current Branch and Long-Term Ser…
2018-08-31   Nice! for home / personal users!
2018-08-31   Post: Microsoft 365 Version Comparison #Intune #Microsoft365 #Windows10
2018-08-31   RT @WilkyIT: Great overview of Microsoft Modern Workplace by @james_kindon , get reading, clicking and sharing #MarriotCrew –…
2018-08-31   RT @PerLarsen1975: NCSC UK recommends Windows Autopilot when doing Windows 10 (1803) with Mobile Device Management to ensure that users wil…
2018-08-28   Good write up #workspaceone #euc #VMware
2018-08-27   Must read for everyone in the #itbusiness #technology #windows #euc #CyberSecurity
2018-08-27   RT @rspruijt: The Untold Story of NotPetya, the Most Devastating Cyberattack in History by @a_greenberg >> great r…
2018-08-27   I like this. #inspiration
2018-08-26   Truly a remarkable human. Thank you for your service and legacy. #JohnMcCain McCain dies at 81 –
2018-08-25   Microsoft #Office365 public roadmap will be no more. It will be supplanted by the #Microsoft 365 roadmap. News al…
2018-08-22   Good article #windows #modernworkspace #euc
2018-08-21   New Blog Post: Microsoft Platform: Workspace Transformation It is not only about managing devices, but it is about…
2018-08-20   Good article on Tips to improve #windows10 upgrade sequence #waas
2018-08-20   Please help Helge with his quest! #windows #waas #Windows10
2018-08-20   RT @sharegatetools: Turning off external sharing in Office 365 shouldn’t be an option. With this eBook, you’ll understand why you should co…
2018-08-20   RT @MSIntune: What’s New in @MSIntune 1807: new file extensions for Windows apps; Built-In App (such as Safari) in iOS kiosk mode; APIs to…
2018-08-19   Smaller #Windows10 monthly cumulative quality updates ahead! #euc
2018-08-19   Live this!
2018-08-19   And to follow up my previous tweet: September 1, 2019, Microsoft will retire the hybrid MDM service offering.…
2018-08-19   No more hybrid mobile device management in #SCCM #EUC #Windows #intune Thanks @PerLarsen1975
2018-08-19   Great chart showing the current shift in #workforce #DigitalTransformation #workforcetransformation
2018-08-18   Good simple solid advise! #appdeployment #OSD #Windows #euc
2018-08-18   Sad to see #SanDiego under so much smoke #cafires #biztravel
2018-08-18   Start the plan to move to cloud-based management for #BitLocker as domain-joined on-premises computers mainstream s…
2018-08-16   Excellent Article: 85% of the jobs in 2030 don’t exist yet. Discover what skills and training methods businesses…
2018-08-14   RT @Rorymon: Blogged: How to Create an MSIX Package with the Packaging Tool Preview. I also included a short video demo showing the end re…
2018-08-12   RT @fgduarte: The future is looking bright for #MSIX and #SCCM @djammmer @jvintzel
2018-08-12   I *love* my home airport #SeaTac #frequentflyer #biztravel #airports
2018-08-11   RT @appmanagevent: Microsoft has some very ambitious plans to change the way that windows applications are built, delivered, customized & c…
2018-08-11   Wow- Just happened. Stolen plane that halted air traffic in Seattle crashes with only rogue pilot on board
2018-08-11   Great post! #autopilot #windows10 #modernworkspace #euc
2018-08-10   Good article on the the past present and future of #appmanagement #modernworkspace #euc
2018-08-10   Interesting article on #windows #windows10 servicing. Did not know about C & D releases. #waas
2018-08-07   RT @MSWindowsITPro: Automatically register existing devices in #WindowsAutopilot using #MSIntune #PowerShell and #Azure Automation Runbook…
2018-08-07   Today I had another great session helping customers understand #ModernWorkplace and #windows10 #waas…
2018-08-07   Microsoft managed #windows10 as a service option coming soon #waas
2018-08-05   RT @maryjofoley: Microsoft readies OneDrive for Business feature to aid in migrating local data off Windows 7, 8 and 10 PCs:…
2018-08-03   Veey interesting: Map Shows the Salary You’d Need to Buy an Average Home in Every State #affordablehousing…
2018-08-03   Great article on #Autopilot Network requirements #windows #EUC #moderndevicemanagement
2018-07-30   RT @mniehaus: Since its release three years ago, Windows 10 has added lots of new stuff.
2018-07-28   RT @mwbengtsson: New blog post: How can I in-place upgrade to Windows 10 1803 using Powershell App Deployment Toolkit and SCCM (System Cent…
2018-07-26   RT @Anderson: i am REALLY excited to announce that @Microsoft has been placed in the leaders quadrant of the new UEM Magic Quadrant from @G
2018-07-24   RT @AlitaMovie: Watch the #Alita: Battle Angel trailer now and see the movie in theaters December 21.
2018-07-24   RT @okieselb: New blog post: Automation of gathering and importing Windows Autopilot information #MSIntune #Windows10 #AutoPilot #AzureAuto
2018-07-22   RT @patrickc: While @elonmusk is in the headlines for many reasons these days, this particular chart probably doesn’t get enough attention.…
2018-07-20   New Post: New Site Launched
2018-07-19   5 key takeaways from Core speech at #MSInspire #MSInspire2018 #Microsoft365
2018-07-19   RT @maryjofoley: Microsoft says Teams is now at ‘feature parity’ with Skype for Business:
2018-07-18   Working days left to end of #Windows7 Extended Support: <383. How is your #Windows10 project progressing?…
2018-07-17   RT @GretchenOHara: Here’s a look at 10 major @microsoft announcements at #MSInspire via @CRN
2018-07-17   Tonight’s #sunset at 30,000 feet #DeltaAirlines
2018-07-16   RT @AdamGrossTX: New Blog Post: Clearing Local Group Policies during an Windows 7 to 10 In-Place Upgrade Task Sequence #ConfigMgr #SCCM #Gr
2018-07-12   #Windows10 #waas
2018-07-11   France vs Croatia #WorldCup2018 looking forward to the final on Sunday.
2018-07-09   RT @rickjames405: Man! Can we learb alot from the Thai people. First the parents not wanting to know which boys are out until they’re all o…
2018-07-09   Good article #windows10 #gpo
2018-07-09   New #Windows10 #windows10autopilot features #euc #modernprovisioning
2018-07-09   RT @MSFTMechanics: For large Windows updates, only a subset of your organization’s devices needs to download the payload from the internet.…
2018-07-09   RT @rspruijt: MSIX Intro:
2018-07-07   For dinner tonight: #snake and #cactus fries #goodfood
2018-07-03   RT @deployjeremy: I’m planning to bring back 400-level Desktop Deployment Jeopardy to @MS_Ignite to close out Friday in a fun note. What do…
2018-07-02   Very Nice! Thanks @mike_marable#waas #windows10