Tweets for July 2012


My Twitter tweets for this month follow:

Report created by FetchTweets A PHP script to “fetch” the tweets from any account (via twitter API) and return results in a simple HMTL table. Open Source Code at: FetchTweets Originally created to easily backup tweets into a blog.   You can see a the rest of my postings containing my tweets can be found here:

2012-07-29 18:01:53 Lessons from a big iPad enterprise adopter | ITworld
2012-07-23 22:04:03 BYOD: The CIO Catch-22 | Guest Opinions |
2012-07-22 13:10:03 RT @FastCompany: “Encourage critical thinking during meetings.”
2012-07-22 10:48:35 Excellent article: Evolution of a Home Page: 37signals Basecamp
2012-07-21 06:39:31 Pocket change: Microsoft posts quarterly loss but beats Wall Street | Reuters
2012-07-19 18:38:43 SCCM 2012 Sessions and Slides from #msTechEd – now online!
2012-07-18 21:44:19 RT @TomMartin: Pure Awesomeness | How @ryanholiday Lied His Way Into MSNBC, ABC News, The New York Times and More – Forbes – …
2012-07-18 19:26:04 How Steve Wozniak Became the Genius Who Invented the Personal Computer
2012-07-18 18:56:39 FTP is so 90’s. Let’s deploy via Git instead! #protip via @coderwall (thanks @ginatrapani )
2012-07-18 00:19:34 RT @StanfordCISAC: Marc Goodman: Technology’s rapid development could allow crime to take turn for worse. Video on …
2012-07-17 16:58:56 Good one: The merging of desktop virtualization and the consumerization of IT. Welcome to the new end user …
2012-07-16 15:26:54 Makes perfect sesnse: iPad Enters Qantas Cockpits | PCWorld
2012-07-16 15:18:57 Some good stats: Gartner: cloud putting crimp in traditional software, hardware sales
2012-07-16 15:12:02 Good one: How to navigate Microsoft’s licensing of BYOD.
2012-07-14 13:58:54 Digg sold for just $500k to Betaworks
2012-07-14 13:49:13 Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference 2012 News Information | The VAR Guy
2012-07-12 16:15:58 Good point of view: The computer is no longer personal
2012-07-12 13:46:32 Interesting analysis: After one year, Office 365’s success remains a mystery
2012-07-11 23:32:46 Google, Bing Hit All-Time Highs In June Search Market Share
2012-07-11 16:38:03 The 10 Biggest PR Mistakes Companies Routinely Make with Social / Emerging Media