Tweets of the week: 2009-04-19


Latest tweets:

04/15/09 03:54:53 I ran into DabbleDB and I love it.  Excel data analysis, reporting and web data entry —
04/15/09 04:11:43 Great article: “Get Rich Slow” in Time Magazine.  Bootstrap Internet businesses is hot again! Uplifting article…
04/15/09 14:41:05 Received a Google strategy briefing today for Messaging and Collaboration. Very cool and most impressive. Strong future ahead.
04/16/09 03:51:09 Decoupling twitter and Facebook — Found out that I can send updates directly into Facebook via SMS. Each has its own purpose. (I think).
04/17/09 05:55:27 Twitter design interface: Interesting animal. Simple, yet…   More tomorrow.
04/17/09 13:49:15 It was,known, but there is a date now .  Continental leaving the SkyTeam alliance and joining Star Alliance on Oct 24.
04/17/09 14:10:41 Series on virtualizing SharePoint – Excellent resource:  Lin
04/17/09 20:08:02 The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them. – E. Hemingway
04/17/09 20:16:49 Watching the shift to amateur news reporting.  Sample site for user reporting of  tech news/updates at:
04/18/09 01:36:28 Helping a friend sign up to Twitter