
Tweets of the week:2008-06-01


Tweets of the week:

05/28/08 04:47:20 In NYC – can’t sleep
05/28/08 04:52:13 just setup  phone.
05/28/08 05:16:07 I am trying tweeter from my phone.
05/28/08 20:39:59 Just finished work at client. Beatifull day in NYC. Decided to take the long way via a double decker tour.
05/29/08 00:32:11 had a t hour bus tour of the city.  It was intersting to see a montage of the city. Pretty cool neibourhoods.
05/29/08 00:33:15 Eating at Heartland Brewery now. Below the Empire Statesbuilding.   Rostisserie Chicken for dinner..
05/29/08 18:48:45 leaving NYC. Good business day.
05/29/08 21:39:02 at the Newark airport for 2 hours. In club. Lots of emails and phonecalls. Dunot know how would i do it w/o the clubs.
05/29/08 21:49:35 plane delayed 40 minutes. Not bad considering.