
Tweet’s Report: 2010-05-30


tweets of the last couple of months:

04/17/10 22:46:06 Google has the most servers! 1M+ http://digs.by/at3oxq
04/20/10 04:35:57 Microsoft Online Windows InTune: formerly System Center Online Desktop Manager but with more (MDOP included) http://bit.ly/c29RFj less
04/24/10 17:17:45 Microsoft and Facebook launched http://docs.com  where Microsoft Office WebApps (Word, Excel PowerPoint) are  available to Facebook users!
04/30/10 19:08:24 HP buys Palm  — will we have a Slate based on WebOS?   that would be cool?
05/03/10 19:09:51 Cloud Computing 101 webcast for Small Business Owners: Part 1 – http://bit.ly/caiHED
05/06/10 18:17:55 Came across a Rubi-based Cloud Application platform   Check out http://heroku.com/
05/11/10 20:30:08 On-premise servers are a thing of the past in the near future… http://bit.ly/d4h55U
05/13/10 21:06:34 Good article on OfficeWebApps vs Google Docs and the fact there is plenty of space for both system.    http://digs.by/dxiYDr
05/18/10 16:16:02 Note to #Facebook  Enough! « jorgep blog http://bit.ly/d2CrqK
05/20/10 19:53:15 Opportunities & Prosperity:  Economic Freedom Index by Country  – Very interesting!   http://digs.by/cINEv0
05/20/10 19:55:12 Cloud Computing 101 webcast for Small Business Owners: Part 2: Key Benefits http://digs.by/dDur7V
05/21/10 16:22:39 IDC: 46 million media tablets by 2014 – CNET News http://bit.ly/cBxfK8
05/21/10 16:39:38 CloudShare.com is a fantastic resource to created  a lab  environment  which can snapshot, rip and take apart. love it…http://CloudShare.com
05/23/10 19:38:03 lastpass  easily untaggles and securely manages the password  mess we all have  –  http://bit.ly/cl2JxS