Using your Desktop from your Tablet


You want access to your desktop from your tablet device  ?  image

I have been trying several of the available apps to remotely access my desktop from my tablet devices (I have an iPad and a Nexus 7 – Android), but the ones I have tried are usually clunky, slow, hard to setup or simply do not translate well to the new medium interface. 

I was introduced to Splashtop 2 and I was in WOWed…     (Still after a couple of weeks of use   I am still very impressed !

Setup is super easy:

1) Install the desktop agent (they call t Streamer) – Available for Mac and Windows.

2) Create an account, if do not already have one.

3) Install the Splashtop 2 on your table device (iPad or Android)

4) You login to your account, and your computer(s) show up…

5) connect to your computer.


Photo Sep 09, 11 48 14 AM-1Super smooth screen display…   I use it from my iPad and my Nexus 7 to connect to a Windows 7 desktop (you can us it on a Mac too) and the differences are minimal between the two versions.  …  

The most impressive item of all, and what it sold me on it:  It displays the video and audio like you were in front of the computer!



Couple of items that take a bit getting used to:

– not everything on the desktop uses the touch interface!

– scrolling needs two fingers (instead of one)


Truly impressive implementation, and recommend its use… 

Definitely worth checking out at: 


Side note:  The product is typically $20 but they are selling it right now for $4.99 right now on iTunes – which I think is a bargain for what it does!