
Virtual Reality: Not only for gamers


I have seen many videos of virtual reality technology and sat is a couple of demos, but I must say it was early on technology (choppy at best, and generally slow)

My son  re-20150913133852_400x266introduced me to virtual reality this weeend when he dropped by with a set of VR googles in which you put your phone infront of and connect to hearphones .      Then he asked me to sit down and hit the play button on the side…

I was completelly blown away !!  they included:

  • Movie theater experience
  • Cirque Du Solei experience
  • Tropical Island Fly-by
  • and a video game.

I tried several times to reach out with my hands, but they were nowhere to be found!!   They were all coming from the phone, and they were simply amazing!    I completelly understand now why Facebook bought Oculus Drift, founded by a then 23 year-old,  for $2B dollars..

Today he sends me this link…


I definitelly want more of this! 

I know it is lame, but  here it is:

  • I can see myself sitting at a comfortable chair at home, doing developing or writing a blog with my vr goggles in  front of 4-5 screens  in the balcony of my tropical ocean front house …
  • or better yet:I can see my self sitting at my actual tropical ocean front house, having teleconference with my team across the world using my VR office, all while in short and flipflops!

Either way  this technology will open up everything from enterntainment to communications in a way no other technology has.


Published using ekalendaro on 2015-09-24T14:24:17-05:00