Virtualized Infrastructures

During a client-call yesterday, once again, we heard the “very many challenges” that data centers have with all of the issues that come with the incredible and never-ending demand for application services within enterprises.
A solution that’s well-tested and well-vetted for these ever-increasing demands for applications is the propping of virtual infrastrucutres. Nothing new here: just prop a virtual server or two, install the application, and voila – the enterprise is on its way, with no new hardware purchase.
But, taking this concept further – given this demand, and the repeatability of the process, how does this mode get streamlined? For a while we have known of a company that is offering the ability to create complete infrastructures in virtual design environment.
With their service, you draw in a Visio -like web-based program what infrastructure you want, how would you like to connect it, and such and then click on “build.”
In just a few minutes, all of your servers are created dynamically in the background. If you need more servers, you simply add to the visio-like diagram and they are added.
The company name is 3tera and can be found at:
The demo of their control panel AppLogic can be found at: (also on their home page.)
The demo is particularly interesting (even for those of us that are not technical!)
And, in the interest of full-disclosure and above-board etceteras, the IO Team is not affiliated / associated with this company, but we know a good idea when we see one, and we believe this is the future of IT infrastructures.
With Google, Yahoo, Microsoft (and now building monster (500,000+ servers) data centers, and touting grid-based computing to offer services, like those discussed above, you can see we are not too far from being there. Now imagine an organization built on a virtual infrastructure, with application virtualization all the way to the desktop. Now that’s powerful.
How does this affect the landscape of our future?
As more and more IT services get commoditized and virtualized, fewer technical folks will be needed on-site, and the need for good processes and people trained in technology will grow, resulting in business alignment along with managing demand. In our opinion, this the keystone for future IT departments.