Web 2010 Strategies for Business.

A very good presentation was posted on SlideShare.net a couple of days ago.
It is titled “Web 2010 Discover Ten Strategies Defining Your Business Future” by Jay Berkowitz, and it talks about some of the key strategies driving successful business on the Internet – Definitely a must see!
Summary of the first five follow:
#1. – Micro- communications: Short for shorten attention span.
#2. – Virtualization: business and segments are going virtual
#3. – Make it Free, but with hook – Find a business model first.
#4. Social Search: Add revenue by participating in ratings and reviews.
#5.- Think of Customer Service as your new marketing department
He provides 5-more, and a lot more details for each along with examples for each strategy.
To make it easy, I have embedded the presentation below.
Many thanks to Jay Berkowitz! Is there a place we can hear the words that go along with the presentation?
[slideshare id=1541135&doc=web2010discovertenstrategiesdefiningyourbusinessfuture-090605235126-phpapp01]