MMS2012 content available


Could not attend MMS2012 in Vegas this year?   Not to worry! Microsoft has posted all of the PowerPoint and videos for free at regardless if you attended or not.  You can register and browse through the sessions… Thank you Microsoft!!

For those of you that want to download the content for offline viewing:

  • Videos: Stefan Roth has created a PowerShell script that will download the sessions based on a customizable sessions.txt file (you will need an an account at the site above mentioned) — Thank you Stefan!!  ( as a side note, script to learn from if you are into scripting)
  • PowerPoints: You can find all of the PowerPoint in one file for downloading at this blog entry. — Kudos to them !!

Great content for a raining afternoon or evening!

BTW – MMS 2013 will be in New Orleans…

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