News You can Use: July 2021

This newsletter contains a few items of interest that have caught my eye in the Modern EUC , Modern Device Management and Workforce Transformation space in the last month or so.
This month’s highlighted items:
- Windows 11 was formally and officially announced on June 24, 2021 at a Microsoft virtual event. We listened to both the broadcast and follow-up developer’s session a bit later that day, and there is much more than just rounded corners 😊 — Check blog post for a brief summary of what is to come this holiday season and in early 2022.
- Microsoft just released an out of band urgent security patch and is *urging* all users to install it immediately. This one deals with a security flow found in the Windows Print Spooler service and it is referred to as: PrintNightmare. More details here
- Ransomware is rampant these days. The latest in the long list of of attacks is the one on Kaseya, an PC management service provider, and it is notable because the incident not only affects Kaseya’s IT management customers, but also those companies’ corporate clients that have outsourced IT management to them. Kaseya on Tuesday said around 50 of its customers that use the on-premises version of VSA had been directly compromised by the attack — but it said as many as 1,500 downstream businesses around the world have been compromised. Check this blog post for more info and resources.
- Speaking on ransomware, I often get asked how does Microsoft 365 protects against such an attack. The question these days is an almost daily occurrence, so I wrote a blog post about it Microsoft 365 Protection Against Ransomware – Let me know if you have any questions!
- This article talks about organizational changes, but it is applicable to change management in general. A good discussion about why it is important to tell employees the WHY. And how it impacts their ability to consume and ultimately get on board with the change. Good for our ACM efforts and I think useful in all aspects of our professional and even personal interactions.
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- For a bit deeper dive into the technical side:

More Modern Device Management resources can be found at:
- Dell Technologies Modern Workforce Experience YouTube Playlist.
- Dell’s InFocus Workforce Transformation Series
- Modern EUC Blog (Twitter @moderneuc)
- Modern Deployment Blog by Nathan Bridges
- In The Cloud 247 blog by Peter Klapwijk
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If you have any articles you want me to consider including in future blog posts just ping me on Twitter: @moderneuc with some details!