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Notables of the week –


Been busy this week with a lot work, so I have not had the chance to post much lately .  However this does not mean, I have forgotten about my blog 🙂    It is interesting…  When I made a personal commitment to actually write something often, everything I look at becomes a candidate for the blog.     So here are a couple of notables:

  • Diigo.com it is an old one, but I just started to use.  There are a few  things that are drawing me to it… 1) easy to use and clean interface; 2)  the Chrome Extension; 3) The ability to highlight text;  4) Bookmark, Tweet and EasyBlog at the same time.      I have been using Evernote for a long time… It will be interesting to see which one I end-up  with…
  • FreeFileSync – is a GREAT  *free* multiplatform tool to synchronize files.  Very streamlined interface, easy to understand, and fast.   Did I mentioned it is free?  I paid and have been using FileSync for many years, but there has not been an update since 2005.  Time to update… Tried the demo versions of GoodSyncAllwaysyncSyncToy,  and several others.
  • Microsoft’s Office Labs Community Clips Recorder (1) a free tool to easily record and produce your own screen casts.     Very easy to use.
  • I will post a dedicated post about virtualizaiton tools, but wanted to let you know about Sun’s VirtualBox ® virtualization client  —   Just took it for a spin and it looks like a very solid and good too! –   It is in the same league as VMware’s Workstation, with several unique features, including P2V.   Definitely worth checking. .

More soon.


(1) Broken Link removed.   Original link:  http://communityclips.officelabs.com/